Friday, June 20, 2014


"Kundalini, in it's true definition, is a healing energy which promotes balance and fulfillment.  Kundalini Yoga is designed to strengthen the nervous and glandular systems, while balancing the emotions, and healing the psyche, to create a more balanced, effective, happier and fit person." ~ Ravi Singh

Last month, we began the first module in our Kundalini Teacher Training course, and what a week-end it was!  Bright lights from all over the United States and Newfoundland, Canada (!!!!) came together at Indigo Pilates & Yoga in Pleasant Hill, CA to partake in this incredible course.  I came into class on the first day excited beyond measure that one of the biggest dreams I've held closest to my heart for a long time, was now manifest.  I felt like I was vibrating like a live wire with anticipation and just sheer joy that I was finally going to be sitting in a teacher training course with my mentors, Ravi Singh and Ana Brett.  

From the moment we tuned in together at the beginning of class, I knew without a doubt that this group was special.  Not just special, actually.  More like "we are going to come together and do some life-changing, phenomenal, soul-shaking work" special.  Our class is comprised of some exceptionally beautiful souls, I have to say.  We have folks from all walks of life.  And the common thread we all seem to share is that we want to make a profound difference not only in ourselves, but for those whose lives we touch.  To me, this class was like watching a fireworks display...for three days straight.  It was intense, inexplicably beautiful and just simply magical.

"There is only one thing you should know.  Conquer yourself." ~ Yogi Bhajan

For the entire month since the first class, I've been getting to know myself in a completely different way.  My body was completely exhausted for three weeks after the training class.  I could only manage a handful of classes, and I slept so much.  I was definitely experiencing a healing crisis.  I also noticed many old emotional hurts (even ones I thought I had processed through already) were coming to the surface.  I cried, I slept and I ate.  And more than once, I wondered what in Hell I had really gotten myself into.  Was I really ready to release and process on this deep of a level?  My body answered with a resounding "YES!!!!"  

Through all of the intensity, one beautiful thing became manifest, and that was being able to experience the emotional component of the healing crisis in a more compassionately detached manner.  I allowed myself to feel the feelings that would come up and let them flow through me, realizing they were letting me know they were ready to be healed.  I didn't get caught up in the story like I usually do.  There were times where the processing was so intense that I really felt like I was on sensory overload.  It was during those times that I became very gentle with myself, allowing the wisdom of my body and spirit to take over and guide me. 

I also noticed that I felt myself expanding and softening, feeling more loving and patient with my family, especially my husband and my son.  I noticed when I did healing work for my clients (massage and Reiki both), I was present in a way that I haven't experienced in the 10 years I've been practicing.  I felt more in tune with my clients and able to hold a bigger space.  It felt amazing every time I would meet with someone.  

Needless to say, this has been a profound month for me in terms of self-healing.  I dug really deep and faced things that have been plaguing me for decades.  I had plenty of opportunities to practice letting my ego take a backseat, and boy, did it feel WEIRD.  Now that I find myself coming out of the healing crisis, I feel lighter, more clear, more expansive, more loving and more in alignment with my soul.  

Until next time....